Featured on the Nevertheless can is Basandere, the female counterpart to Basajuan. Basajuan in Basque folklore is the wildman; a benevolent Bigfoot or Sasquatch that went around teaching humans ironworking and shepherding, acting as a bridge between the natural world and humankind. As is the case all too often, Basandere is mentioned in Basque folklore only in a passing way as the female counterpart to Basajuan. You never actually hear her story. So we have created our own version of her as the symbol for our Women’s Month celebration, and that’s who you see on the can. She is fierce, proud, beautiful, connected to nature, strong, and ready to fight for femme-identifying rights!
Basandere is also the feature of our yearly Women’s Month shirt. While the can imagery doesn’t change, the depiction of Basandere on the tshirt changes year to year. She started as a very femine, flowing, graceful creature, then morphed into more of a beastly warrior in 2019 and 2020 as the world demanded it of her. This year’s shirt took elements of last year’s design in a slightly more elegant direction influenced by Art Nouveau posters